Start Now

"시작이 반이다"
"Well begun is half done"

The first step is always the hardest, but once you're in motion, the subsequent ones becomes easier as momentum carries you forward.

At first, uncertainty, fear and energy-conserving algorithms in our brain tell us that we're better off staying put.

The activation energy required to jump over that first hurdle in our path keeps us rooted to the ground and holds us back from the things that we want to do deep down.

Even once we generate the willpower to begin, a need for credentials - baked into our thought processes by society and schooling - causes us to endlessly scour the internet for second-hand knowledge and the permission to start.

No one is going to give you that permission and you don't need it anyways.

As James Clear says:

"You can plan, delay, and revise all you want, but trust me, what you have now is enough to start."

All those barriers that your brain uses as excuses to not start, they don’t exist.

The context-dependent advice of others can only bring you so far and the fastest way out of that Dunning-Kruger pit is through experience.

Start now.